Varieties on EMLA 27 are appreciably more dwarfed than those on EMLA 9. Therefore this rootstock is suitable for commercial use in regions of very vigorous growth, or where very vigorous scions are being used. Trees yield heavy crops the second year after planting as maidens; intensive ‘bed systems’ are showing promise at the research level and in large scale commercial trials.
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Varieties on EMLA 27 are appreciably more dwarfed than those on EMLA 9. Therefore this rootstock is suitable for commercial use in regions of very vigorous growth, or where very vigorous scions are being used. Trees yield heavy crops the second year after planting as maidens; intensive ‘bed systems’ are showing promise at the research level and in large scale commercial trials.
Pricing | Inventory
Varieties on EMLA 27 are appreciably more dwarfed than those on EMLA 9. Therefore this rootstock is suitable for commercial use in regions of very vigorous growth, or where very vigorous scions are being used. Trees yield heavy crops the second year after planting as maidens; intensive ‘bed systems’ are showing promise at the research level and in large scale commercial trials.
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EMLA 27 was bred from a cross made in the spring of 1929, using Malling 13 (M. 13) as a seed parent and EMLA 9 as the pollen parent.
Scion varieties grown on EMLA 27 grow into small, compact, precocious trees, approximately half the size of trees on EMLA 9. Trees on EMLA 27 rarely sucker.
Although not highly resistant to apple mildew, it is less susceptible than EMLA 9 and EMLA106.
In the layer bed EMLA 27 is a good grower producing few lateral branches. When lined-out for budding, there are very few rootstock laterals or suckers to remove. EMLA 27 is sensitive to Simazine in the nursery. Under our controlled conditions, EMLA 27 produces a high quality plant similar to that of EMLA 9 and EMLA 26.
Varieties on EMLA 27 are appreciably more dwarfed than those on EMLA 9. Therefore this rootstock is suitable for commercial use in regions of very vigorous growth, or where very vigorous scions are being used. Trees yield heavy crops the second year after planting as maidens; intensive ‘bed systems’ are showing promise at the research level and in large scale commercial trials.
Fruit is of good quality. Trees on EMLA 27 are of great potential value for the amateur and home gardener, who need compact, precocious trees for small gardens or for pot culture. Trees on EMLA 27 need little pruning after the first five years, except for occasional shortening back of compound spurs.